Slide Plush brow skin beauty Tralee, Co. Kerry



What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaninig is a treatment that removes vellus hair and th etop layer of dead skin cells. It is safely performed using a specialized surgical instrument and disposable blades designed specifically for dermaplaning. Once the skin is properly prepped, the technician holds the skin taut and gently scrapes the skin with the blade held at a 45 degree angle.

What are the benefits?

Removal of vellus hair (peach fuzz) and the top layer of dead skin, helps with topical product absorption, manually exfoliates the skin to reveal a more youthful and radiant appearance, a great primer before a chemical peel and allows for a smoother and even make up applciation.

What areas can be treated?

Dermaplaning is performed on the face, under the chin and sides of the neck. Dermaplaning should not be done on the eyelids or chest. Sometimes, technicians who are still learning practice on forearms and legs as the skin is tougher in these areas.

Will the hair grow back thicker?

No, this is physiologically impossible. The soft, fine vellus hair will grow back slowly – usually in about 4 weeks.

How often can this treatment be performed?

Dermaplaning can be performed every 3 to 4 weeks. Treating the skin in this manner actually removes about 2 to 3 weeks worth of dead skin cells. The technician should allow the skin to complete its normal skin cycle of approximately 21-30 days before repeating the treatment.

Who cannot be treated?

Clients with active acne outbreaks or cold sores should not be treated until lesions are healed. Dermaplaning is great for diminishing acne scars but should not be performed during active outbreaks. Clients with bleeding disorders or difficulty clotting should not be treated. Clients with diabetes not under control by diet or medication should not be treated. Clients undergoing cancer treatment should also not be treated.

Is there a downtime?

No, that’s one of the benefits. The skin instantly has a healthier glow and feels amazingly soft, plus makeup glides on effortlessly for a flawless finish. This is a must have procedure before an important social event or television appearance.

Book your appoitment with us today!

Plush brow skin beauty, Tralee, Co. Kerry